The world we live in is full of color and it is a beautiful place. As you teach them about the things they see, teach them the colors that go with it. Your child will enjoy the world around them more when they begin to understand the sky is blue today or the grass is green. Teaching them colors is another way they can continue to grow and it can be simple.
One simple way I taught colors was through books. As I read books to my girls, I would stop and ask them to name the colors they would see and point to them. This helped me know that they pointed to the correct color. If they pointed to the wrong color, I would correct them and repeat it with them. After some time, I could see they mastered it while reading books together.
Besides reading books, I also taught colors outside. During our walks, we talked about the color of cars, leaves, flowers, birds and etc. If we were at the park, we named colors we saw on the playground. Even just playing in our own backyard, we could find colors to talk about. It wasn’t hard to teach colors, it was being consistent and creative. Anyone can take the time to teach colors each day to a child. We had a variety of things we did and each day would be different. No matter what we did, we took the time to learn our colors.
Here are a few things I did when my girls were young.
You might be wondering what I did to teach colors, so here is a list of a few things that I did.
- Books! We read many books that dealt with colors. Here are a few books we used.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see?
Hungry Caterpillar
The Grouchy Ladybug
Hello Red Fox - Crayons
- Markers
- Paint, with fingers or brushes
- Playing games about the color of their clothes, shoes, etc.
- Taking walks and looking for colors along the way.
- Matching games/Flashcards/Memory Games
This list is just a beginning, but the list could go on forever. The point is, take the time to work with your child each day. The more you review, the more your child will retain. Your children will love playing and reading with you as they learn their colors.
Above all, remember learning is part of life, so make it fun while you do it!!